Teacher (cost of living) Pay Increase September 2019
4th September 2019
Teacher (cost of living) Pay Increases September 2019
At the end of the Summer term this year the Government announced that it proposed to accept the recommendations of the School Teachers’ Review Body of a 2.75% uplift to the minima and maxima of all teacher pay ranges and allowances. A consultation is taking place which ends on 13 September after which the increases will be confirmed in the updated publication of Teachers Pay and Conditions 2019.
This is higher than the anticipated 2% increase which many schools have budgeted for and therefore schools should review how this impact on their budgets and the additional funding received in the teachers’ pay grant.
Your Heads HR Consultant will be able to provide support in updating school pay policies and the consultation process on the updated the updated pay policy once the pay increases have been confirmed .
Appraisal Reports & Pay Progression Decisions
Schools are reminded that pay decisions for teachers based on appraisal decisions should be made in line with the timeline in the school policy typically before 31 October (31 December for the Headteacher)
Each teacher (including the Headteacher) should receive an appraisal report detailing the outcomes of the appraisal process. The appraisal report should include the below as a minimum:
details of the teacher’s objectives for the appraisal period in question;
an assessment of the teacher’s performance of their role and responsibilities against their objectives and the relevant standards;
an assessment of the teacher’s professional development needs and identification of any action that should be taken to address them;
a recommendation on pay where that is relevant (NB – 31 October for teachers (31 December for Headteachers)
Further guidance can be obtained by clicking on the below link to view the DfE’s model policy guide on Appraisal:
For further guidance on Pay and Appraisal policies and processes, please contact your Heads HR Consultant on 0161 850 4343.