
Mental Health Training

28th November 2019

Over 15 million working days are lost in the UK each year due to poor mental health and it costs the UK economy an estimated £94 billion annually. This makes mental health training far more than just a nice gesture – it makes it fundamental for the productivity of every employee, as well as the prosperity of every business. Investing in employee wellbeing is certainly justified.

Mental health training may not provide all the answers, but it does offer a much-needed change of perspective. It has the power to transform an organisation by improving each employee’s mindset and empowering them to take control of their mental health both at work and outside of it.

By breaking the stigma that surrounds mental health and ensuring that it is spoken about openly and without judgement, individuals and businesses alike will reap huge rewards now and in the long run. So much so, that for every £1 an organisation invests in their employees’ mental health and wellbeing, they can expect to see an average of £4.20 in return.

For further support on mental health training and staff wellbeing, please contact your Heads HR Consultant on 0161 850 4343.

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