Teachers Pay Increase – School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB)
22nd July 2020
Teachers Pay Increase – School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB)
The 30th report of the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) was published yesterday. The report contains recommendations on the pay award for teachers that is due to be implemented from September 2020.
The key points are:
- The minimum of the main pay range will be raised by 5%. Any teacher who is currently being paid below the new minimum of their pay or allowance range must have their pay uplifted.
- The maximum of the main pay range and the minima and maxima of all other pay ranges and allowances will be increased by 75%. Teachers paid elsewhere on the range, including at the current maximum, do not necessarily need to have their pay uplifted. However, the School must decide how to take account of the pay uplifts in accordance with the School pay policy.
- The increase is equivalent to a 3.1% increase to the overall pay bill. Advisory pay points will be introduced to the main and upper pay ranges to help Schools create a pay progression pathway. The government has not set official pay points in teacher pay ranges since 2013, so this is a change, but many schools have continued to use pay points as part of their pay policy. However, the government’s pay points are only advisory. See the annex to the government’s written statement for their proposed pay points.
- In addition, the Government made a commitment to increase starting salaries nationally for teachers to £30,000 by 2022/23.
These changes affect all teachers employed under the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD), in maintained schools, including Senior leaders, SENCOs, Part-time teachers and Non-agency supply teachers.
For academies, the STPCD applies to any teachers whose employment transferred from a maintained school to an academy and negotiations have been undertaken to change their pay. For other teachers in academies, it will depend on references to the STPCD in teacher contracts and the schools pay policy.
There is no separate pay grant to cover these increases, the government is expecting Schools to cover the costs from their own budget.
Your HR Consultant will be in touch early September to discuss these changes and provide advice and support on the decisions you need to make and changes required to your school pay policy.